The Mystery of the Dent in My Head is a short, humorous look at what happened when I died of a heart attack on August 15, 2015.
I collapsed on the floor at a customer site. Paramedics shocked me five times on the way to the hospital, then two more in the ER before I was brought back to life. I was dead for over 20 minutes.
Doctors placed a stent to open my widowmaker artery, then put me into a coma to save my brain function. Waking up from said coma, I was shocked to find a very large dent in my head. I have no idea how it got there. Neither does anyone else.
Does this not strike you as odd?
Mystery of the Dent in My Head is a companion book to Been Dead, Never Been to Europe, which is a much more serious look at what it’s like to recover from extreme trauma.
Another book, Manage Your Damage–Heart Attack Survivor, details the emotional fallout of dealing with trauma and the techniques I used to overcome such problems as anger, anxiety, and depression. The techniques could be used by anyone to deal with those emotional issues, but the book is specifically targeted at heart attack survivors.